
Invest in Humanity

Hello everyone :)

My name is Amar. I grew up in Denver, CO. Through that experience, I understood the value of servanthood as I witnesed the struggle of my immigrant parents. As I entered university I aimed to take the knowledge I would gain and reinvest it into the community to help others just like me.

In university, I pursued becoming a pediatrician. However, that goal didn't last long because I failed my first two years of university. Then I jumped into computer science because I enjoyed solving ambiguous problems.

While building stuff with code was fun what intrigued me was how students in university were bogged down with anxiety and workload. I decided to start spreading joy to students using spoken word and attempt to make others smile. I was surprised by how transformative kind words could be for others. Throughout university, I had some incredible encounters with people and it has kept me inspired to continue doing what I do.

After university, I pursued some work in venture capital. Due to the demands of work I wasn't spending time with the youth in underserved communities. I jumped around from internships and jobs seeking fulfillment in what I was doing for two years. One day I decided that enough was enough and committed to pursuing: making people smile.

Today, I collaborate on several initiatives in the Greater Denver Area from emergency food drives, sharing coffee, code camps, youth activations, and more.

For the last year, I have connected with youth around the country partnering with world-class organizations to let youth know they are valuable. I have used dance as a catalyst for joy and technology as a means for a better tomorrow.

This year I am on a mission to speak to 10,000 global youth to transform their doubt into action. I am available for speaking engagements in the United States and globally.

Keep Smiling and thank you for the support.

Inspired 50 youth in 0 countries. This is just the beginning.