Anyone Can Code

What shall we build today?

I had the opportunity to teach a lesson to a 5th-grade class on the power of coding. It was an incredible experience to see how curious the kids in this class were about technology.

My favorite activity in the class was when I showed the students code generated monuments from around the world and made the kids guess. It was epic as kids began to shout out it in unison, "Burj Khalifa, Taj Mahal, Golden Gate Bridge, and Green Statue of Freedom". Yes, I know its the Statue of Liberty... but I love this name a student came up with.

With this class in I covered how games like Minecraft and Flappy Bird were made. Dove into how these students can start learning code using online resources and start building stuff to solve complex problems.

While we didn't have time to dive into actual coding I introduced students to a concept that wasn't taught in their traditional curriculum.

In the end, students received tech swag to celebrate their first encounter with computer science!